Angel Bat Dawid
Hush Harbor Mixtape Vol. 1 Doxology
Now Available
Angel Bat Dawid - Hush Harbor Mixtape Vol. 1 Doxology
Angel Bat Dawid
Hush Harbor Mixtape Vol. 1 Doxology
Released June 19, 2021
Available on Cassette/Digital via our Bandcamp page
Dedicated to Saint Escrava Anastacia.

All instruments, vocalz, and synths performed, produced, recorded, arranged & mixed By Angel Bat Dawid.
Mastered By Najee-Zaid Searcy.
All rights reserved
About Angel Bat Dawid
From age 11, music has been the backbone of Angel Bat Dawid’s life. Her journey, however, has been anything but typical. But what is typical? The piano, clarinet and voice have been a constant for Bat Dawid as her principal disciplines, though a career in music has not been. Of music, Bat Dawid told the Chicago Reader’s Leor Galil that “it’s always been my best friend. It ain’t ever let me down.”