Freddie Douggie
Freddie Douggie: Live on Juneteenth
What people Are Saying
“…An Album That Is Less About Fusing Jazz, Funk, And Other Genres Than It Is About Elevating The Diverse Sounds Of Earth To The Heavens.”
“…a record of endless depth and unpredictability.”
“…varied, raw, polychromatic, and addictive.”
– Lee Rice Epstein, The Free Jazz Collective
“In essence, this jam-packed album stirs up the vibrancy of life itself. Downtown Castles is a bright parade of humanity, led by Gay as its dazzling grand marshal.”
“…a compelling series of vignettes, a survey of the depth and vitality of Chicago’s jazz and improvisational music scenes…”
– Marty Garner, Aquarium Drunkard
“It moves from fuzz-caked weirdo-psych to mutant synth-funk to giddy electronics to progressive jazz at a seamless, whiplash-free warp speed.”
Announcing IARCFD17: Freddie Douggie - Freddie Douggie: Live on Juneteenth
Released June 19, 2019
Available on Cassette/Digital via our Bandcamp page
Freddie Douggie: Live on Juneteenth is a collection of improvised fragments, originally recorded by Ben LaMar Gay & JayVe Montgomery during sonic ceremonies on Shackle Island, Tennessee, Juneteenth some years ago.
Freddie Douggie: Live on Juneteenth is 1 of 7 previously-unreleased back catalogue albums included in the source material for Ben LaMar Gay's Downtown Castles Can Never Block the Sun compilation. It is the fifth to be released - after 500 Chains, Grapes, Benjamim e Edinho and Confetti In the Sky Like Fireworks (This Is Bate Bola OST).

Performed by:
JayVe Montgomery – lettin’ MFah’s know
Ben LaMar Gay – lettin’ MFah’s know.
Recorded by JayVe Montgomery.
Edited by Ben LaMar Gay.
Mastered by David Allen.
Cover Art by JayVe Montgomery.
Design by Craig Hansen.
All rights reserved
About Freddie Douggie
Freddie Douggie is Ben LaMar Gay & JayVe Montgomery.